Nov 20, 2007


We are still alive and still eating! Unfortunately school is eating us, hence the extremely long hiatus. But check back soon for some seriously long-due updates.

I also have some exciting news for this little blog!

I recieved an email yesterday from
Schmap, a site that creates free online city guides for travelers around the world. They review local nightlife, restaurants, entertainment, a bit like Yelp but more put-together. Somehow they came across my Flickr account and entered two of my food photos into a contesty kind of deal and now they might end up in their next revision of the Berkeley guide! Unfortunately if my photos are used Schmap won't actually fund my fooding expeditions with payment, but hopefully it'll gain the blog some recognition through the force of Flickr. If my photos get into the guide I WILL ask Schmap if they can slip in a tasteful reference to Two Hungry Bears and a Lazy Tapir somewhere in there.

Pretty cool, huh? Check out Schmap, and wait for a post coming soon which will include the photos in question. A hint - something flat, cheesy, and rhyming with feetza might be involved.

Fingers crossed!
